Monday, November 9, 2009

Enjoying the Harvest

I'm feeling a little under the weather this morning, so other than a quick bike ride to the library downtown, I'm sticking close to home for some much needed rest.

I did manage to harvest an amazing amount of produce from the backyard over the last few days (most of it this morning). I brought in 7 cups of basil (which was quickly turned into pesto and is now tucked into the freezer) over the weekend. And this morning? Check this out...

This first photo (though it's hard to gage depth) is a total of 47 green peppers. Yikes! Even I can't eat 47 green peppers before more are ready to be harvested (I probably have another 50-75 that aren't quite large enough to harvest), plus, I already had about a dozen in the fridge that I harvested over the weekend. Needless to say, I had to do something.

About 30 of them were sliced in half, cored, and tucked into ziplock bags to freeze until I need them for soups or stir-fries long after the plants have been composted. The rest are tucked in the fridge for meals this week and for anyone who happens to stop by for some (I've already called my Dad and let him know there are plenty peppers for the taking).

Then there are the green beans. I don't know if you can tell how many are in the photo. It's about a pound (maybe a little more), and I'm harvesting that many every 2 days. That's not true. I'm harvesting slightly more than what's in the photo. Some of them don't quite make it to the house. What can I say? I LOVE fresh green beans!

Last, but certainly not least, I harvested several handfuls of sage. Now that the weather is cooling down, I'm drinking multiple cups of hot sage tea every day and this will keep me in hot tea for the better part of two weeks (maybe...).

Mmmm. There's nothing like hot tea and a good book, especially when you're not feeling so well. Guess what I'll be doing today...

Have a great week everyone!


Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I lived near you! I love fresh green beans too:)

hmd said...

innermonologueofamadwoman - We've had great luck with the Blue Lake bush beans (this is the third time I've planted them). They don't take up much room and don't need to be trellised. If you have room, you could give them a shot. They're SUPER tasty!

Krista said...

Wow, you produce haul looks fabulous!

I never thought I liked green peppers until I had peppers from my garden this year. Then I realized that I just hate store peppers. peppers from my garden are amazing, so sweet and crisp. I'll never go back to store-bought again.

I am going to make a plug and remind nursing mothers that sage decreases milk supply, so indulge responsibly. :)

hmd said...

Krista - I know what you mean. It's amazing to learn to eat again, doing it the way nature intended. Why have I not been doing this all my life????? :)

Kate said...

47 green peppers! What a great harvest.

hmd said...

Kate - I've probably picked another 8-10 since I last posted. Thankfully I've had some takers come by for freebies :)