It was another fabulous week in food. Although I enjoyed some of my routine fare, like plenty of Texas grapefruit, homemade all-local soups (canned over the summer), steamed vegetable medley (broccoli, potatoes, carrots, and cauliflower) and an all-local stir-fry or two; I also tried a few new things this week that I'd like to show off...
SGF's Black Bean Patties
- 1-1/2 c. cooked black beans (I soaked mine overnight and cooked them for 75 minutes in a saucepan over low heat - be sure to measure the beans after they've been cooked)
- 1 carrot, shredded
- 1 green onion, chopped
- 4 small mushrooms, chopped
- 1 c. oatmeal
- 1/2 tbs. whole wheat flour
- 2 tbs canned tomatoes
- salt and pepper to taste
While the beans are cooking, shred the carrot and chop the green onion and mushrooms. Saute them in a little olive oil until soft. Remove from heat and allow to cool. When beans are thoroughly cooked, drain well (I saved the water to freeze and use later in soup). Then place beans into a medium size bowl and smash them gently with a fork. Add sauteed veggies, oatmeal, flour, tomatoes, and seasonings. Mix well. Form into patties and heat thoroughly in a frying pan (with just a little oil) until browned on both sides (a few minutes on each side).
Once the patties were cooked, I placed one on a slice of my homemade whole wheat bread, added a little organic ketchup (not local unless you're from PA) and some pickles (from our farmers market); and topped it with a second piece of homemade bread.
With a side of fried sweet potatoes (sweet potato, onion, and mushroom cooked in a little olive oil), this was an absolutely fabulous and hearty meal. Even better, it was almost all local: black beans (DiIorio Farm and Market), carrot (farmers market), green onion (backyard), mushrooms (grocery, but grown in Madisonville about 40 miles from home), canned tomatoes (farmers market tomatoes canned over the summer), sweet potatoes (farmers market), bulb onion (farmers market) and olive oil (Sandy Oaks). The only things that weren't local (salt, flour, and oatmeal) were purchased in bulk from our local, natural food store. Mouthwatering would be putting it lightly. I'll definitely be trying these again!
Fruit salad - Having nibbled on mostly grapefruit for the better part of the last few months, I was ready to enjoy the last of summer's goodness. With one quart of blackberries left in the freezer and one quart of peaches canned and in the pantry (both local), I decided to break the winter fruit monopoly up with a fruit salad. A cup of summer fruit salad each morning has made for a wonderful break. I don't foresee any problems making it through the rest of the winter on fresh local fruit (which is great since this marked the last of the fruit I put up over the summer), but you can bet I'll be looking forward to berry season this spring. Strawberries are only a month or two away!
Pizza - I know, I know. Pizza isn't really new for me. I've both made and blogged about it a few times. It just makes great food porn! So here it is. Another of my homemade pizzas. I made my homemade, all-local sauce as I usually do with local onions, tomatoes, and mushrooms (cooking instructions here). The crust, however, was different. This time I tried a commenter's recipe (Kerrie from the comments section of one of last week's posts). Some local mozzarella cheese from Sand Creek Farm topped 1/2 the pie (Dave's half). Mine just had that fabulous homemade sauce. Mmm, mmm, mmm! Another home run on the pizza. We're still working on our ideal pizza crust recipe, and with enough pizza sauce in the fridge for another pie, be looking for more pizza next week.
Even now in mid-January, moving from market to table is pretty easy, too easy. Sure, when you eat locally, the market and season decide what you eat rather than any predetermined menu plan. But good food is made so much better by eating in season, eating fresh, eating local. And trust me on this, it just doesn't get any better.
Even if you don't have a farmers market open this time of year, chances are you can find some local food in a natural food store, a nearby farm, or even your local grocery. Be sure to check it out, and as always... Happy (and mindful) eating!
Oo! I must try those patties! I have all the ingredients already and I'm looking for a different way to eat beans - thanks!
Oh hai!
I found you thru Chile.
Me = trying to be localvore, houstian, vegan gardener
houstian? Really?
I love BCS area, cept for the conservativism.
I'll tell you how to get organic ketchup - make it yourself! It's easy (especially if you already make homemade tomato sauce), and really, really delicious. I can send you a recipe, or you can try to follow what I did on my blog:
I got the recipe from my mother-in-law in Italy. I canned a bunch in the summer of 2007 and we still have some. If you don't use ketchup often, it's best to can them in pretty small jars.
Thanks for the black bean recipe, by the way!
Theresa - They are wonderful, although the leftovers crumbled a bit when reheated. But they still tasted fantastic :)
Ruthie - Ooh! Another Texan. Welcome! Although the area really is ultra conservative, there is a strong undercurrent of progressives. We have tons of activities going on every month (something to do just about every week and weekend) so it's easy to make friends and stay active. You'll have to swing on up here and try out our new Village Cafe while you're here. It specializes in local and organic foods and is FABULOUS! And, of course, it's where all the cool people hang out :)
If you do come to town, email me ahead of time. I'm always glad to meet another locavore!
sunflowerchilde - We don't eat much ketchup, but it does sound like a great recipe. Thanks!
Lucky! We have to wait until June for strawberries!
We're supposed to have wind chills of -15 tonight. Brrr!
Heather, I made the patties last night for supper and they were very good! We ate them sort of like you would for a falafel wrap, in pita bread with some of my tzatsiki dip. I also tried them just plain with ketchup, which was quite tasty, and I also took a few bites with some mango pepper jelly - also good! Even just plain they were very nice. Thanks for this very easy and versatile recipe!
Farmer's Daughter - Yikes! We're pretty cold here too, but not THAT cold! It's 36 outside and I just walked back from dropping the Prius off for an oil change. Lets' just say that despite all the layering, I won't be wandering out again until it's time to pick the car back up :)
Theresa - I'm so glad you liked them! Those are some great ideas too! You could probably add a little BBQ sauce to the patties when you are making them for a southern bent. So many possibilities...
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