Saturday, December 5, 2009

Local diet update - December 5, 2009

Despite the fact that it was 23 degrees when I arrived at the farmers' market (Yikes! That's Central Texas, remember) we still had 19 vendors setup at the market this morning. For awhile, the tables were icy and the produce was kept in the cooler - to keep it warm!

But it wasn't just an amazing showing of vendors, we had a steady stream of customers all bundled up just like we were, customers who just couldn't pass up the freshest produce in town. Although, I admit, I couldn't pass it up either! I was there with my booth, covered in knee socks, heavy clothes, wool boots, a down jacket, hat, scarf, gloves, two blankets, and never far away from my vendor-neighbor's propane heater (yes, in fact I am a wuss - I moved away for Indiana for a good reason, thank you!)

And although our holiday festivities don't officially start until next weekend, we even had a Santa mannequin singing holiday tunes. The kids got a real kick out of that!

So what was available on this blustery morning? Check it out:

Veggies and Fruits: Yellow onions, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, yellow squash, carrots, green tomatoes, green beans, cabbage, broccoli, eggplant, zucchini, bok choy, sprouts, spring mix, peanuts, a variety of hot and sweet peppers, kohlrabi, turnips, radishes, spinach, leaf lettuce, mustard greens, herbs, lemons

Baked Goods: tamales, yeast breads, sweet breads, cheese breads, cakes, pumpkin rolls, peanut brittle, cookies, pecan specialty treats

Canned Goods: jellies, jams, relishes, pickles, salsas, sweet spreads, canned veggies (tomatoes, eggplant preserves, pickled peppers)

Other Foods: pecans, eggs, olive oil, cornmeal, whole wheat flour, hot pepper sauce, locally-roasted coffees, honey, bread mix, spice mixes

Crafts: stained glass, aprons, hats, bands, wooden benches, candles, pot holders

Plants: herb plants, decorative plants, live oak trees
Of course, now that we've had our first freeze, the peppers, green beans, and yellow squash will be no more. But then, there's so much to look forward to here in winter veggies.

As for me, I had a great haul, myself, coming home with peanuts, 2 bottles of local wine (I privately bartered with a vendor for this), whole wheat flour, carrots, lemons, and onions. Actually, most of the food in the photo was either given to me or bartered for. Awesome!

The peanuts and wine have been set aside for gifts, the lemons will most likely be juiced and frozen for recipes later, but the onions and carrots are all mine - more stir fries and salads are on the menu this week when I add it to the broccoli, snow peas, lettuce, radishes, and green onions I'm harvesting out of the backyard, as well as the sweet potatoes, green peppers, soups, pasta sauces, rice, corn, and pesto that I've preserved over the last 6 months. Can you believe all that is local? Yum!

Hope you're all having a great weekend (and staying warm)!

Happy (and mindful) Eating!


Tammy said...

After a decent CSA haul including greens, lettuce, a carrot, winter squash, peppers, tomatoes, a few green beans, a couple of cucumbers, eggplant, broccoli and a personal size watermelon...I didn't need much. I currently have sage, mint, garlic chives, oregano, cilantro, bunching onions and rosemary for herbs and I pulled a bunch of green peppers and cherry tomatoes. The kumquats are beginning to turn orange. The broccoli is heading up and I am patiently waiting, meanwhile I have spinach, beets, snow peas, peas, snap peas, radishes and lettuce growing but nowhere near ready.
So, thankful that the Thanksgiving leftovers were gone, I went to the Market needing absolutely nothing...I mean, my freezer even contains local beef, some pork, and poultry too...
I wanted veggies. I found the motherload at Market. I bought carrots, onions, yellow squash, spinach, snap peas, sunflower sprouts(still growing), cabbage, green beans, beets, and lots of broccoli. I bought a pound of coffee, a loaf of walnut persimmon bread, some peanut brittle, a dozen eggs, six jars of salsa and some spinach daal.
It sounds like a lot, I know, but the broccoli, yellow squash, snap peas, spinach, and green beans all went straight to the steamer...the onions and peppers were placed atop of steaks along with mushrooms and baked...
The carrots and onions are going into chicken noodle soup and it is just a matter of time before I work out the rest of the details.
The weather was chilly, but it was bearable with two pair of pants, two shirts, two jackets and gloves...I was just concerned about the roads. Fortunately, the weather was dry, so the roads didn't ice up on the bridges.
Better yet, the day before, we got was actually warm snow, too hot to stick to anything but it cascaded down from the sky like something out of a fairytale. I don't hate the cold, it is a nice change from the 110 degree summer

hmd said...

Chile - Ooh. Those tomatoes sound good. I ended up losing all mine :( We'll have greenhouse tomatoes by January though, so I'm saving my vegan pesto and will dream of pesto-tomato sammies in the new year...

Tammy - Wow! Sounds like a lot of goodies. Do you still have a houseful of family? Are you still hooked up with Vicki's CSA or did you join a new one? I understand Vicki is closing hers soon.

Tammy said...

No, we are down to just three people, but extras visit often especially when dinner is ready. At least there are nice stretches of peace and quiet.
Yes, I am still with Vicki. She is trying to get some students to continue the CSA...I guess we'll see what happens. I am just trying to enjoy all of the veggies because Markets are more difficult to attend because the level of business hasn't tapered off much. I suppose it is good to be making money, so I had better not

hmd said...

Tammy - That sounds so much saner than it has been on the family front :) Glad to hear you are getting some peace and quiet (even if it is only now and then because of the craziness of the job)

Sam said...

23 degrees?

Last night I went out with Cyn to the South Park Walkabout with my winter coat and we both complained about the cold the entire time. Walking back home we saw an outdoor thermometer and the temperature was: 57 degrees F.

So in other words, I have totally wussified myself.

sharli said...

Ok, I confess...I didn't go to the market because it was WAY too cold for me! I'll be there next weekend though. I'm not a fan of cold weather!

hmd said...

Beany - that's ok. We'll soon be wusses together :) Actually, Dave teases that my freezing point is anything below 60. I just hate being cold!

Sharli - Good. The boys are going to love it! Santa will be there from 9:30-11:00. Did you see the video on Facebook of me putting the suit on?

Unknown said...

Heather ~

I went to the market here in Houston on Saturday, too! It was also quite chilly, but probably in the 30s, not the 20s. I also scored some lemons!

I love your post, but my favorite part is the guy in the last picture before the food, sitting on his tailgate in shorts and a t-shirt probably freezing his BOOTY off because he forgot to bring a coat.

THAT is Texas for you!!! :-D

hmd said...

Ruthie - Ahh! I didn't even notice that. Actually that's a photo from the previous week (when it wasn't nearly so cold). I don't know how it got mixed in. Oh well :)