Sunday, November 29, 2009

Local diet update - November 29, 2009

It was a gorgeous day for the farmers' market yesterday and despite the holiday weekend, we had an amazing showing of vendors - 17 maybe? I kept loosing track when I tried to count...

Of course, that also meant a wonderful harvest of fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, baked goods, plants and crafts. Well, let's get right to it. Available at this week's Brazos Valley Farmers' Market were:
Veggies and Fruits: Yellow onions, green onions, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, yellow squash, carrots, tomatoes, green beans, wax beans, peanuts, a variety of hot and sweet peppers, cucumber, kohlrabi, turnips, radishes, spinach, leaf lettuce, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, swiss chard, chinese cabbage, iceberg lettuce pumpkin, okra, patty pan squash, turbin squash, herbs, lemons, dried apples, dried cranberries

Baked Goods: tamales, yeast breads, sweet breads, cheese breads, dinner rolls, cakes, pies, pralines, pecan specialty treats

Canned Goods: jellies, jams, relishes, pickles, salsas, canned veggies (tomatoes, eggplant preserves, pickled peppers)

Other Foods: pecans, eggs, olive oil, cornmeal, whole wheat flour, hot pepper sauce

Crafts: stained glass, gourds, aprons, hats, scarves, bird houses, soaps, perfumes, massage oils, ornaments, candles, jewelry, pot holders

Plants: herb plants, decorative plants, live oak trees
Not bad, eh?

Of course, I brought home my own little mini-harvest. A few things I purchased, the rest was bartered for or given to me. Check this out... 1/2 dozen eggs, cornmeal, dried cranberries, onions, lemons, red potatoes, collard greens, and mustard greens. Is there any wonder what's on my menu this week? Stir fry!

Of course, I have all those green peppers I harvested yesterday, sweet potatoes stocked in the hall closet, veggies being harvested from the backyard (green onions, sage, broccoli, radishes, kohlrabi, and lettuce), pecans in the freezer, and plenty of goodies like rice, home-canned soups and pasta sauce in the pantry. And the best part is... EVERY last bit of it is local!

I've picked up a few non-local things at our locally-owned natural food store to round out my diet - beans, tofu, and some fruit. But that's it. Everything else is local and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. The land here in Central Texas just keeps on giving. And, we'll keep right on eating!

Have a great week, everyone! And, as always, Happy (and mindful) Eating!


J said...

Sigh, Texas....

I am jealous of all the tasty looking goodies you all still have available. I can't wait to see what you do with them.

hmd said...

Jennifer - I ended up doing lots of cooking today - a big pot of steamed veggies, polenta, and another pot of garbanzo beans. There'll certainly be stir fries and salads this week. I'll take lots of photos :)