Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Insite Magazine - Little ole me is in the news

Simple-Green-Frugal, the Brazos Locavores, the Friends of the Brazos Valley Farmers' Market, and yours truly has made the July edition of Brazos Valley Insight Magazine.

Look at page 20 under "Carnivore. Herbivore. Locavore?"

Also, page 21 has a second tid-bit on the Brazos Valley Farmers' Market.

Check it out!


Katy said...

I just had to come out of the lurker shadows to say... That's really cool!

hmd said...

Chile - Thanks! I was pretty excited to see it in print :)

Katy - Thanks! The cool thing is there's more to come. I actually wrote an article for a national magazine that is coming out in August. I'm totally giddy about it :)

Sam said...

I read it at work. Great job Heather!

hmd said...

Thanks, Beany!