- A total of 356 blog posts (not including guest posts on McDougalling with Chile, Brazos Grows, and a review I did for the Blogging Bookworm)
- I learned to bake bread, rolls, bagels, pizza dough, crackers, and tortillas; can soups, jams, and vegetables; and make butter, whip cream, and ice cream.
- I started a vegetable and herb garden in my backyard
- I did two radio interviews and three talks at Texas A&M University
- I quit my job
- I went vegan
- I became the coordinator for the Brazos Locavores
- I launched an all-volunteer support group for our local farmers' market (The Friends of the Brazos Valley Farmers' Market)
- I host an info booth at our farmers' market every Saturday, talking to people about eating locally
- I'm scheduled to host booths at several festivals and fairs this spring to promote our farmers' market
- I've connected area farmers with local groceries and restaurants
- I've met with individuals wanting to move toward a more local lifestyle
- I consumed an almost exclusively local diet
Hmm. Well, so much for being reclusive...
Thanks to everyone out there for joining me on this beautiful adventure. It's been a wonderful year with hopefully many more to come!
Happy Birthday SGF!
*lots of balloons, party poppers and dancing mice*
Here's to another year of excellent and interesting blogging :)
Well Done!
Happy Birthday SGF!
What is this bread recipe JAM is referring to? Light and fluffy bread? I want it.
Happy blog anniversary! Keep it up. :)
Happy B-day! I love reading your blog. I can't be as local as you have been, but I'm going to give it a good try. My first CSA basket arrives on April 28 - Yippee!
Happy Birthday! I'm glad I got to share the journey with you and look forward to many more posts!
And our Farmers MArket is starting up again for the summer! Yay!!
Happy Birthday!
It's been following your adventures over the last year. Here's to another fruitful, eventful year.
happy birthday and congratulations! thanks for all you do for the farmer's market and the local farmers. i know they appreciate it.
while you're doing the happy dance, be careful not to step on Seraphim's dancing mice :)
you inspired me to do something rather than complaining... so now i'm officially in charge of fund raising for my boy's scout troop. Here's to another inspirational year!
Sera - Thanks!
JAM - I'm so glad you love the bread! It's the easiest recipe and it never comes out dense like other whole wheat breads. It also makes great rolls :)
Beany - Here's the recipe I use and it turns out perfect every time! Enjoy!
Lisa - Thanks!
Stacey - Apr 28 isn't far away! How exciting! Going local isn't about being perfect though. It's about being mindful. Do as much local as you can, don't stress about it, and love every last bite! Happy eating!
Kim - Woohoo! Gotta love the farmers' market. My favorite day of the week! Enjoy your shopping!
Jim - Thanks!
Holly - Thanks! You can't help but love our market. I tell Dave it's like a whole other family (in all the good ways and none of the bad). We all look out for one another, support each other, and enjoy being together. It just doesn't get any better than that!
JAM - Yep! That's it. Beany - Don't let the sponge freak you out. It's just mixing a few ingredients and letting it sit on the counter for an hour. Jam's right - Totally easy recipe!
Blondeoverboard - Good for you! Best wishes on your new adventure :)
Congratulations! What a journey! Imagine what you wll have achieved in another year!
I really enjoy your blog. Very inspiring. What a difference a year makes, right?
I'm SO going to try that bread...
Thanks Heather!
Congratulations Heather! You've made really awesome progress in just a year. It's very inspiring to me, and many others it seems. :)
I really love your blog, and it's helped me make a lot of changes for the better in my family's diet.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful journey with us!
Happy Anniversary, Heather...it is indeed a milestone. If you did this for only five years as productively as this one, many more lives would be changed forever.
I am happy to count you as a friend above and beyond the things you may do, but I found you as a result of your blog, so, I admit that it is certainly significant.
We all make changes in other people's lives, this is a great responsibility and a hope for the future. We must use the power we have to try to create the best possible world in order to help future generations. I, for one, believe that that means considering the past. Make bread, make cheese, butter, ice cream, grow vegetables, grow the things you want and need and then, show others that it is possible...
Take care.
Tricia - I can't even imagine what next year will look like. We're talking about buying a grain mill and grinding our own wheat flour now that we've found a local source of wheat. And I've just started selling my whole wheat bread. I probably won't even recognize myself in another year, but I've never had so much fun! :)
Angela - Let me know how you like it. It's a big hit around here!
Jen - That's wonderful to hear! What changes are you making in your family's diet? I love to hear other people's stories!
Tammy - Thanks! For someone who has been borderline reclusive my whole life, I have certainly changed the most in the number of friends I've made over the last year. I'm always watching for you on Saturday morning. You're very much an encouragement to me.
Congratulations on your first year and all of your accomplishments!
A worthy life to spend the last year pursuing :>)
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