Thursday, January 1, 2009

Resolutions - New Years Day 2009

Happy New Year from Simple-Green-Frugal! 

Just as we are passing from one year to the next, we are also saying goodbye to sunny California. Our days were filled with fabulous walks, a gorgeous beach, time shared with family, lunch at a friend's restaurant, one very amazing farmers market, and a day at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. I do believe it was our best visit yet! I hate to leave so soon, but Texas is calling us back. In the meantime, I'll share a couple of our beach photos (it does seem to set the right mood, doesn't it).

So onto the year ahead. The world is busy celebrating, but somewhere in the back of our minds are those resolutions; things we hope to change in the coming year that make us "better," more mindful individuals. I have a few up my sleeve as well. 

In 2009, I'll be working on:

Mindfulness - particularly as it relates to food/eating, but also slowing the pace of life, consuming less, and spending more time connecting with loved ones

Health - continuing to practice both meditation and yoga, and allowing myself the downtime needed to heal from a 17-year illness

Gardening - that one square foot garden was just way too easy to maintain. And with the gift of all that cedar from my Dad this Christmas, I'm planning on expanding my garden by leaps and bounds. Who knows. Maybe by this time next year, I'll be selling goodies at our farmers market!

Canning - with all that extra gardening, you can bet, I'll be doing a lot more canning this year

Consumption - I'm always on the lookout for ways to reduce our consumption. For those things we do buy, I'll continue to transfer those purchases from big-box stores, to local businesses like Brazos Natural Foods, second-hand stores, etc. In other words, BUY LOCAL!

Community Involvement - I started taking steps in December towards becoming more active in my community. I will continue to meet with community members and volunteer for activities where I can share my passion for local foods.

So what about you? What are your goals and resolutions for 2009?


J said...

Happy New Year Heather! What a great set of resolutions - many of them I share. I also have some personal ones, such as trying to learn how to get over my "anxiety issues", as well as trying to - well - be less shy, socially inept, and a hermit. I also want to try to cut back on smoking/quit, but I say that every year. Perhaps one year it will actually stick.

Those pictures of California are beautiful, it must have been a wonderful trip!

Green Bean said...

I missed all the Aptos discussion as I was on vacation but great to know you were in Northern CA too. :)

My consumption goal is very like yours. I'm really working, right now, toward supporting local businesses. Over the past couple years, I've focused on reducing consumption. Now I feel that, for those few things that I do buy, I need to buy it from an independent business, preferably local, and not from a big box store. BTW, I'm reading Big Box Swindle and highly recommend it.

Happy New Year!

hmd said...

Jennifer - Best wishes with your resolutions. i've never been a smoker, but I understand how hard it is to beat addictions. I'm with you the whole way though!

Chile - What a great resolution... taking it day by day. Perfect!

Green Bean - Thanks for the book recommendation. Sounds right up my alley. You'll have to go back and check out some of my CA posts. It was an AWESOME trip!

Anonymous said...

The other great thing about supporting local business, besides lessening the carbon load, is that it will help those places make it through this pit of an economy. We're really worried about a few of our favorites. As everyone tightens their belts, they start looking for what's cheapest...tough for the little guys to compete with the big box stores on that front. They need all the help they can get.

hmd said...

Organic Needle - You're absolutely right. They need our help now more than ever. I'd rather cut back on the quantity I buy to get great quality food at our small natural food store than to pinch pennies at the big box stores. If we want quality and/or the survival of small businesses where money stays in the community, we have to do what we can to keep those places in business. Go local! :)

ttammylynn said...

you have good resolutions, but I don't think the new year changes anything except to say that it renews your commitment.
As for me, I want to take better care of myself in the new year...including some much deserved pampering. That means taking my supplements, trying to eat and drink right, having a little fun sometimes, spending time with family and friends, smelling the flowers, enjoying my garden, and loving and just living well. It may also include aromatherapy, breathing and stretchy excercise...ah, yeah.
I also want to organize my life and make the time (and space)I have work for me more efficiently. That means clearing the clutter and taking care of everything in a timely manner. I have begun working toward this goal.
I have citrus coming. I am waiting for its arrival, I need to bring a bit to you. I may have another thing or two to bring also. As I explained briefly when I saw you, it has been a rocky holiday season...2008 is gone, it is time to move on.
Have a Happy New Year!

hmd said...

Tammy - sounds like a good plan for 2009! I was sorry to hear all that the holidays brought. Yikes!

Lisa said...

Great plans. I need to work harder on the local thing. I did find a great store near by that sales lots of made in Oklahoma goods! I'm very excited. I have worked very hard this year to only buy made in the US products. Haven't been great but better. It's all about steps right?

Anonymous said...

Happy new year! You have some great goals there. I dare say I'll have some quite similar to that when I get a chance to sit down and have a good think about what I want to do this year.

hmd said...

Lisa - absolutely. A few steps here and a few steps there and eventually you look back and are amazing at all that you've done. As I mentioned in my new year's eve post, I love keeping a list of my progress. It comes in handy when I'm feeling discouraged.

LivingMyRichLife - I usually don't do resolutions and Tammy is right, mine are mostly just reinforcing what I've been doing in the past, but that's really what it's all about... getting a little better each year. I hope you have success too!

Anonymous said...

Wow I have that same picture of that lighthouse. I'm from CA (but live in Texas too). I'm just starting 2nd year into becoming green. I'm glad I found your blog.

hmd said...

butrflylo13 - Welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. Where about in Texas did you end up?