Come learn, speak, eat, and get your hands dirty at Garden Camp!We will start the day off at noon at Village Cafe with an open-forum of speakers on varied topics to help guide you and your community in building and maintaining your spring garden. We will have several scheduled speakers, but also feel free to sign up and contribute your knowledge with the group.Bring vegetables and fruits from your garden or your local farmers market to donate to the meal Village Cafe will prepare for us to share after the seminar. At 5PM, we will transport ourselves and the food to Neal Park to share the bounty with our less prosperous neighbors at their regularly scheduled Saturday Pot Lucks. We will also be sharing our newly gained knowledge with their community garden and help them with the tending.
I'll be speaking about eating locally and looking forward to all those great tips on spring gardening in Texas (I can use all the help I can get). Hope to see you there!
If you are interested in attending, RSVP to Kylie at the Village Cafe.
Sounds awesome - good luck with your talk!
How cool!
I wish I could go with you!
It's gonna be a good one. I'd never heard of GardenCamp before but it seems like something every community could organize.
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