Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chile Got Me (Or 7 Random Things About Me)

That's right. Chile "I don't do memes" Chews got me this week with the most recent meme to run the blogosphere, "Seven Random Things."

She posted it on her spin-off site "McDougalling with Chile and Friends," which is a FABULOUS resource if you're a vegan. Of course, this is also a shameless plug for me since I'm one of the "And Friends" who guest-posts there from time to time. Anyway, since Chile launched the meme off a foodie-blog, I'm going to run with the food theme for my seven random things...

Let's see, Seven Random (food) Things about little ole me...
  1. I'd never eaten spaghetti squash before last spring and now it's my favorite veggie (Lesson: never be afraid to try new things)
  2. I can't be in the same room with sauerkraut without gagging. It's nasty, dude? Who eats that stuff? (Lesson: be afraid, be very afraid)
  3. The cabbage growing in my garden are mutant-big! (Lesson: homemade compost rocks)
  4. Peaches are my absolute favorite fruit (Lesson: Must live in proximity to father who is willing to deliver fresh, local peaches a bushel at a time)
  5. My secret non-local cravings are peanut butter, bananas, mangos, and cereal (Lesson: being perfect is boring, give in to a craving every once in awhile)
  6. I recently burned 4 loaves of pumpkin bread (2 recipes worth) and blamed that gosh-darn oven for running too hot. Come to find out I put the oven rack in one level too high. Ugh. (Lesson: never blame the oven before you troubleshoot the ditsy baker)
  7. I often threaten to turn my kitties into Kitty Noodle Casserole when they are naughty. Does that count? (Lesson: be resourceful in the kitchen)
Hope I made you smile. I'm going to cheat here (I've never been good at "rules") and not tag anyone else. But I'd love to hear some random things about each of you. Do share...

P.S. This is WAY easier than the 25 random things meme I keep getting hit with on Facebook. Twenty-five things? I don't think I'm that interesting...


Unknown said...

I love your list, and am inspired to work on my own compost solution!

Emily said...

Dude, I live in Germany and I feel the same way about sauerkraut as you do... I'd imagine it's a little bit harder to avoid here, though. Heehee!

hmd said...

Karla - Definitely give it a go. We ignore ours most of the time (I turned it just this week for the first time in 2 months) and it always gives us the most wonderful compost!

Emily - Oh you poor thing. I was in Germany earlier in the decade (Bavarian region) and loved the land (it's gorgeous) but couldn't get by on food. After about a week, I bee-lined for Italy :)

Chile - You bet! I'll take that spaghetti squash! If I have any cabbage left, we can make a trade and you can eat all the sauerkraut you can handle :)

Sam said...

I think Ms. No Memes Chews does more memes than I do!

7 random things? I can be very random.

1. I don't like sushi or for that matter any kind of raw meaty things. If and when I do eat meat, I like it extremely well done.

2. My favorite fruit is the mangoes that grow on my grandparents' property. Nothing I've ever had in the past 11 years come remotely close to the taste of those mangoes.

3. I'm currently apartment hunting, I want a gas stove, space for an indoor composter, sunlight to grow something indoors and a quiet neighborhood.

4. I love guavas with salt and chile pepper powder sprinkled on it. Yum!

5. I love reading food blogs with nice big pictures.

6. I really love cheese cake. I found a vegan restaurant that has raw vegan "cheese" cakes that are so good they taste like the real stuff. Its made with tofutti which I think is bad.

7. I don't like cooking with company (even husband). I like cooking by myself.

hmd said...

Beany - Great list! I've never had sushi, but the idea kinda creeps me out. Yeah - cooked, please!

hmd said...

Sorry Chile. I thoroughly intend to stay a sushi virgin :)

hmd said...

Chile - I'd be willing to eat it if it was just just veggies and stuff, but raw fish. Well, I just can't get past that. So what's in yours?

hmd said...

That all sounds pretty good. I just always associated sushi with raw fish...

Sam said...

I like the non raw fish sushi. My husband makes it atleast once a week often with the stuff Chile mentioned (although I've never added Sriracha to it). Its quite delicious and filling actually.

Sam said...

Also the philly sushi has cream cheese in it. While not vegan, its also sounds disgusting (never had it)

hmd said...

Beany - sounds interesting. Maybe I'll give it a try. Can you get the non-raw fish versions in restaurants?

Sam said...

If I'm not mistaken, the cucumber/avocado rolls are called "California rolls". I assume they're originally from CA. But yes, I've had them in restaurants. All Japanese restaurants I've been to had them.

hmd said...

Thanks for the sushi education ladies. Now I can make an informed choice :)